Friday, April 22, 2011

Delta Carry-on Bag Specifications

Since we're all flying on Delta Airlines, we'll need to be familiar with Delta rules regarding baggage. Currently, Delta allows you to carry on one bag and one personal item. The bag must meet airline size specifications, and there are also restrictions on the personal item. So here is what Delta says:

"You may carry on one bag and one personal item at no charge. Please note that all items must easily fit into the overhead bin or under the seat in front of you.

Approved Personal Carry-on Items

  • 1 purse, briefcase, camera bag, or diaper bag;
  • or 1 laptop computer (computers cannot be checked and must be carried on);
  • or 1 item of a similar or smaller size to those listed above.

Additional Approved Carry-on Items

You may also carry on the following items, which do not count as personal items:

  • A jacket or umbrella.
  • Food or drink purchased after clearing the security checkpoint.
  • Duty free merchandise.
  • Special items like strollers, child restraint seats, or assistive devices such as wheelchairs or crutches.

Carry-on Baggage Size Restrictions

When oversized bags do not fit in the overhead bins, delays occur. Fees will be applied to the oversized bag if it has to be checked at the gate. To avoid delays as well as fees, follow these size requirements:

  • Baggage may not exceed 45 linear inches (or 115 cm) in combined length, width, and height.
  • Baggage must fit easily in the Carry-on Baggage Check, which is located near the check-in counters and at the gate and is approximately 22" x 14" x 9" (or 56 x 36 x 23 cm)."
When packing, I recommend that you include what you would need for one day—just in case your luggage doesn't arrive at the same time you do. And then add only what you absolutely cannot do without on the trip over. We'll be changing planes and sitting in airports for awhile, so you will probably need a few things. Just keep it light!

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